Recognized for Initiatives Promoting Employee Health and Encouraging Health and Productivity Management
Mitsui Fudosan Selected for the First Time Ever as a 2023 Health & Productivity Stock Constituent
Certified as a 2023 Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (White 500) for the Seventh Consecutive Year

March 14, 2023
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.

Tokyo, Japan, March 14, 2023 - Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., a leading global real estate company headquartered in Tokyo, announced today that it has been selected for the first time as a 2023 Health & Productivity Stock constituent*. Accordingly, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) have jointly selected Mitsui Fudosan as an exceptional enterprise with respect to its health and productivity management practices in having recognized its initiatives related to health and productivity management. Meanwhile, Mitsui Fudosan also announces that it has been certified in the Large Enterprise Category under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (White 500) administered by METI and the NIPPON KENKO KAIGI (a public-private health promotion organization) for the seventh consecutive year.

This year, the above certification was granted in recognition of the Company’s efforts, which include the development of systems for maintaining and improving employee health, organization of health events, and external activities to promote and encourage health and productivity management.

The Mitsui Fudosan Group has positioned diversity and inclusion promotion as an important management strategy in the belief that human resource assets serve as the driving force behind continuing to create new value. Accordingly, the Group will advance in a unified manner in creating organizations where human resources with diverse values, talents and lifestyles can display their abilities to the maximum extent. The Group will continue helping to address social issues in part by promoting various initiatives such as those that entail maintaining and improving employee health, and also by encouraging and extending health management practices to its external business partners.

Health & Productivity Stock logo

Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (White 500) logo

Health and productivity management is the practice of strategically managing the health of employees and others from a business perspective. Among the listed companies on the TSE, enterprises deemed exceptional in terms of health and productivity management are selected as “Health & Productivity Stock” constituents, with one enterprise generally selected per industry
The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program recognizes the top 500 corporations as the Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization White 500, thereby commending enterprises that exhibit excellence in carrying out health and productivity management practices based on their efforts to address regional health issues and health promotion initiatives advocated by the NIPPON KENKO KAIGI.
Source: “Promoting Health and Productivity Management” (in Japanese), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

* Diagram on the right created by Mitsui Fudosan based on the original source

For more information on Mitsui Fudosan’s health and productivity management initiatives, click the link below (in Japanese)

■Major initiatives recognized by the certification program
1. Initiatives that include development of systems for maintaining and improving employee health and organization of health events

1) Personal interviews with all employees Personnel Department staff conduct personal interviews with all employees to assess their working situation and health status (both physical and mental)
2) Covering expenses, etc. Covered expenses of thorough health screening for all employees over 35 and their spouses, and offered paid leave to undergo such screenings
The Cafeteria Plan, one of Mitsui Fudosan’s benefit programs, covered expenses for optional examinations during medical checkups (such as those focusing on the brain, breast cancer, and lungs) and charges for the use of fitness centers
Covered expenses for outpatient services to help quit smoking, and anti-smoking medications
3) Measures against infectious diseases Covered partial expenses of influenza vaccinations Using a mobile health app, streamed seminars and videos that provided the latest information on addressing COVID-19 and emerging health issues amid the COVID-19 pandemic (such as lower back pain and lack of physical exercise)
4) Mobile health app Installed a mobile health app in smartphones lent to employees, thereby enabling them to visually monitor their own health and fitness initiatives
5) Health events Organized health events for all employees to provide them with encouragement and opportunities to become more interested in health, including the “&well Festa” wellness festival for enabling employees to learn about their current physical condition and team walking contests
6) Visual monitoring of employee health and fitness initiatives Drawing on analysis of data from employee medical checkups and fitness initiatives, established issues and key performance indicators (KPIs) related to Mitsui Fudosan’s health and productivity management and enlisted the PDCA approach in promoting health and productivity management

* For measures 4, 5 and 6, Mitsui Fudosan makes use of its “&well” health promotion program to encourage employees to change their attitudes and behavior.

2. External initiatives to encourage health and productivity management

(1)Mitsui Fudosan’s “&well” service for facilitating health and productivity management

Mitsui Fudosan provides various services addressing both tangible and intangible aspects of health and productivity management with the aim of furnishing support for addressing managerial challenges of tenant companies and enabling them to achieve diverse work arrangements. As one such service, we have been offering our “&well” solutions for facilitating corporate health and productivity management since 2019, which entails furnishing support to management and human resources as well as to employees under the supervision of Nonprofit Organization Kenkokeiei. The name of the service has been created by using the ampersand symbol (&), which embodies the concept of coexisting in harmony with society championed by the Mitsui Fudosan Group, combined with the word “well” to convey the notion of “well-being.” Such initiatives entail promoting health and productivity management not only within Mitsui Fudosan but also through joint efforts and partnership with relevant companies and employees.

Official &well website (in Japanese):

The &well service model

(2) Total support for promoting corporate health and productivity management and assistance for gaining certifications

Through the “for Worker” service, we provide employees with opportunities to think about their health in a manner that prompts subsequent changes in behavior. The service primarily entails streaming content from real-world events and smartphone applications underpinned by the aim of enabling users to persist toward achieving their goals through the enjoyment of working with others. Meanwhile, through the “for HR” service (reports and consulting) we assist respective enterprises with efforts to gain certifications related to health and productivity management in a manner that is aligned with their various needs in areas that include analyzing medical examination results and reviewing use of smartphone applications.

As a result, of the enterprises using these services some 30% of those seeking to gain certification as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization were consequently granted such certification for the first time, and some 50% of enterprises achieved higher certification scores. Moreover, some 40% of such companies were selected for inclusion as White 500 enterprises.

Enterprises supported by &well services selected as Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (including White 500; partial list)

Six companies of the Mitsui Fudosan Group have been selected as Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (large enterprise category and SME category), of which Mitsui Fudosan Residential Co., Ltd. was selected for inclusion as a White 500 enterprise.

  • Mitsui Fudosan Frontier REIT Management Inc.
  • Mitsui Fudosan Realty Co., Ltd.
  • Mitsui Fudosan Residential Co., Ltd.
  • Mitsui Fudosan Residential Services Co., Ltd.
  • Mitsui Fudosan Residential Lease Co., Ltd.
  • Mitsui Fudosan Logistics REIT Management Co., Ltd.  

In addition, we have been taking steps to encourage health and productivity management by furnishing support to companies under contract and serving as co-sponsor of Well-being Conference 2022, held in October 2022 under the sponsorship of Nonprofit Organization Kenkokeiei. Approximately 150 companies took part in the Conference, which was held with the aim of helping companies seeking to promote corporate health and productivity management practices by offering keynote addresses on the latest topics and issues in health and productivity management from varying perspectives, including those of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), physicians, experts, and enterprises implementing such practices.

Nonprofit Organization Kenkokeiei logo

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) logo

(3) Providing opportunities for employees to think about their health primarily through Mitsui Fudosan’s strengths in making use of physical places

In fiscal 2022, Mitsui Fudosan’s primary initiatives for employees have involved holding on-site events that make use of physical places in leveraging Mitsui Fudosan strengths among its numerous services for facilitating health and productivity management. Approximately 1,000 people have taken part in our on-site health screening events, which are carried out in partnership with third-party service providers in offering employees based in Mitsui Fudosan headquarters with opportunities to undergo screening for posture misalignment, body composition analysis, and bone densitometry, to ensure that they are aware of their own physical health.

On-site health screening event

In addition, we held three “&well Walk” walking events where participants were able to take part online using mobile device applications. Approximately 15,000 people from around 30 participating companies took part in the events that involved forming teams, which were pitted against one another in efforts to achieve the highest average step count during the competition. The events helped to stimulate in-house communications while offering participants the opportunity to improve their health by walking.

* The term “Kenkokeiei” (health and productivity management) is a registered trademark of Nonprofit Organization Kenkokeiei.

■Mitsui Fudosan Group’s Initiatives for SDGs
The Mitsui Fudosan Group aims for a society that enriches both people and the planet under the principles of coexist in harmony with society, link diverse values and achieve a sustainable society, and advances business with an awareness of the environment (E), society (S) and governance (G), thus promoting ESG management. By further accelerating its ESG management, the Group will realize Society 5.0, which the Japanese government has been advocating, and contribute significantly to achieving the SDGs. Additionally, the Group formulated the following Group guidelines related to “Realize a Decarbonized Society” and “Diversity & Inclusion Promotion” in November 2021. The Mitsui Fudosan Group will continue to work toward solving social issues through neighborhood creation.

・Group Action Plan to Realize a Decarbonized Society
・Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Declaration and Initiative Policy

* The initiatives covered in this press release are contributing to two of the UN’s SDGs.

Goal 3 Good Health and Well-Being
Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth