Investors Guide

1. Business Overview

Year ended March 31, 2024 (FY2023)

  • Performance Trends

    ROA = (Opcration income + Non-operating income)/Average total assets over the peiod
    ROE = Profit Attributabke to Owners of Parent/Average shareholders' equity over period

Management Goals

* 1: Earnings Per Share
* 2: FY2023 (forecast as of February 9, 2024) – FY2030 (forecast) CAGR
* 3: FY2023 (forecast as of February 9, 2024) – FY2026 (forecast) CAGR
* 4: Operating income +Equity in earnings/losses of affiliates (including Gain/loss on sales of shares of subsidiaries and affiliates for the purpose of real estate sales)+Gain/loss on sales of fixed assets
* 5: Profit attributable to owners of parent
* 6: Business income / Average total assets over period
* 7: In light of the stock split undertaken on April 1, 2024 at a ratio of three shares to one share, FY2001-FY2023 data is adjusted on a post-stock split basis and rounded to the nearest whole number.

2. Source of Our Profit


3. Market Potential

As of March 31, 2024, except as stated


Property Seales to Individuals

  • *Including a redevelopment
    project in the plannning phase


Facility Operation
