Financial Highlights

Highlights of FY2023 Financial Results

Operating Income 339.6 billion yen, an increase of 11% YoY. Net Profit* of 224.6 billion yen, up 14% YoY.
Revenues, Operating Income, Ordinary Income, and Net Profit* all exceeded forecasts and reached record highs.
This is the 12th consecutive year of record-high revenues, and the 2nd consecutive year of record-high Operating Income, Ordinary Income, and Net Profit*

  • *
    Profit attributable to owners of parent

Consolidated Five-Year Summary

Revenue and Earnings

  • Revenue from Operations(Billions of yen)

    Revenue from Operations
  • Operating Income/Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent(Billions of yen)

    Operating Income/Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

Financial Position

  • Total Assets(Billions of yen)

    Total Assets
  • Interest-Bearing Debt(Billions of yen)

    Interest-Bearing Debt
  • Net Assets(Billions of yen)

    Net Assets

Cash Flow

  • Cash Flow from
    Operating Activities(Billions of yen)

    Cash Flow from

Per Share Data

  • Earnings per Share(Yen)

    Earnings per Share(Yen)
  • Net Assets per Share(Yen)

    Net Assets per Share

Key Management Indecies

  • ROE(%)

  • Debt/Equity Ratio(Times)

    Debt/Equity Ratio
  • ROA(%)

    Return on Assets
  • EBITDA(Billion of yen)