Transforming the city
Transforming the future
Contribute to industrial competitiveness
Contribute to the creation of both added value for society and new industries by helping bring together the wisdom of companies, society, and the people who live there.
Coexist with the environment
Coexist with the broad natural environment through various means, including addressing climate change, in an effort to pass on a sustainable global environment to future generations.
Health and vitality
Contribute to a vibrant society by delivering inspiring experiences that enable each individual to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
Safety and security
Work to realize a safe and secure society from both tangible and intangible perspectives.
Diversity and inclusion
Promote initiatives to realize a society in which all people can maximize their abilities and play an active role.
Compliance and governance
Work to comply with laws, regulations, and social norms, and implement fair and highly transparent corporate activities in accordance with corporate ethics.
Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2018) issued by Japan's Ministry of the Environment
SASB Standard
SASB Content Index
TCFD Final Report