Initiative to Realize
Decarbonized Society
In recent years, natural disasters have
become more severe and more common,
and climate change is occurring
on a global scale.
The Paris Agreement, an international
framework for action against climate change,
has accelerated international movement,
and it has become increasingly important
for companies
to contribute to the sustainable
growth of society through their business.
Based on the meaning of "&",
our Group has achieved corporate growth
by enriching people's lives
and constantly creating new value through
the creation of neighborhoods
that meets the needs of the era by cooperating,
coexisting and co-creating with society.
We have also been proactively addressing
climate change for some time.
In December 2020, our Group's greenhouse gas
emission reduction targets for FY2030 and
FY2050 were announced.
In the following year 2021, we raised
the reduction target for FY2030 even higher,
and formulated Action Plans as comprehensive
and specific strategies to achieve the targets.
Mitsui Fudosan Group's Targets
in Group’s GHG
emissions by FY2030
(vs. FY2019)
Net Zero by FY2050
reduction by FY2030 (vs. FY2019)
Steadily implement initiatives
for FY2030 with supply chain
Further promote actions to realize
a decarbonized society in FY2050

To News Release "Group Action Plan to Realize Decarbonized Society"
Group Action Plan to Realize Decarbonized Society(PDF:4.33MB)
To News Release "Acquired Third-Party Verification of FY2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions"
Topics Media Briefing on the Mitsui Fudosan Group’s Decarbonization
On October 17, 2023, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. held a media briefing related to the Mitsui Fudosan Group's decarbonization toward the achievement of carbon neutrality.
■ Presentation document
Takashi Ueda
President and Chief Executive Officer
Neighborhood Creation by the Mitsui Fudosan Group Aimed at Carbon Neutrality (PDF:3.02MB)
Yoshihiro Hirokawa
Managing Director, Senior Executive Managing Officer
Progress of the Mitsui Fudosan Decarbonization Action Plan ~Initiatives Involving the Entire Supply Chain~(PDF:1.84MB)
Yu Yamamoto
General Manager, Sustainability Promotion Department
Introducing Three Plus Concrete Initiatives for Reducing Scope 3 Emissions(PDF:2.94MB)