Stock Administration

Stock Administration

(As of April 1, 2017)


Fiscal Year-End March 31 (from April to March 31)
General Shareholders' Meeting June
Dividend Cut-off Dates March 31, September 30
Stock Trading Unit 100 shares
Handling place The Chuo Mitsui Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (head office)
33-1, Shiba 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Manager of the Register
of Shareholders
The Chuo Mitsui Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
33-1, Shiba 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Handling Office
and Liaison Offices
The Chuo Mitsui Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (all branches)
Japan Securities Agents, Ltd. (head office, branches)
Handling Commission None
New Certificate
Allocation Commission
Equivalent to stamp duty (see note below)
Commission for Purchase
of Fractional Unit Shares
Commission related to consignment purchase/sale of shares is determined separately.
Advertising Medium The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Tokyo area)

Note: Commission is not incurred in the case of the consolidation of share certificates, dividing into 1,000-share certificates, or the completion of columns for shareholders' names.