Based on the Mitsui Fudosan Group Compliance Policies, the Mitsui Fudosan Group has positioned compliance as a key issue in Group management and works to comply with laws, regulations, and social norms, and implement fair and highly transparent corporate activities in accordance with corporate ethics.
Mitsui Fudosan has made the officer in charge of general administration the person responsible overall for compliance. In this role, they receive reports from the Compliance Management Department and others, and particularly important matters are reported to or submitted for discussion by the Board of Directors or the Executive Management Committee.
Said officer is also responsible for formulating a compliance-related action plan each fiscal year, including the enactment, revision, or abolition of company rules, the implementation of training regarding laws, regulations, or company rules, and the surveying and reporting of the situation regarding compliance with laws, regulations, or company rules. They are also responsible for implementing compliance activities based on this plan.
Group companies are also required to formulate and implement risk management plans, and this is reported to and confirmed by the Company at the end of the fiscal year.
Mitsui Fudosan has established two points of contact providing consultation for employees of the Company, an internal contact and an external law firm. These contacts can provide consultation on issues regarding compliance with laws and regulations, as well as matters pertaining to the work environment.
Mitsui Fudosan provides compliance training to new employees and various directors and management-level employees of the Company, including newly appointed Group managers and officers, with the aim of improving compliance awareness. It also implements e-learning-based training for all directors and management-level employees.
Initiative | Target | Content | |
Internal training | New employee training | New graduate employees, contract and dispatch employees, mid-career personnel | General compliance |
Companywide training (e-learning) | All employees | General compliance (Topics based on societal trends) |
New officer training | Newly appointed officers | General compliance | |
Officer training | Directors, corporate officers, etc. of Group Companies | Select themes and lecturers each year based on societal trends | |
Training at overseas business locations | Employees assigned to overseas subsidiaries | General global governance guidelines, etc. | |
Awareness- raising activities | Mitsui Fudosan Group Compliance Policies | All employees | Mitsui Fudosan Group Compliance Policies shared through internal portal site and handbooks |
Compliance posters | All employees | Compliance posters posted on internal bulletin boards | |
Compliance news | All employees | Information provided on topics and subjects based on societal trends that should be considered in regard to the execution of operations (six times a year) |
Mitsui Fudosan strictly forbids any kind of connection to organized crime and as a company, takes a firm stance in dealing with such groups. Each division of the Company also investigates and confirms that a transaction partner is not involved in organized crime before the transaction begins. Should the unlikely situation occur that forces the Company to face unwarranted demands or violent behavior from such organizations, it will contact the relevant police department and take any other action necessary, including legal measures.
Mitsui Fudosan will comply with all relevant laws, such as the Anti-Monopoly Act, and will avoid any conduct that could result in unfair transactions or unjust competition. It will engage with business connections sincerely as an equal partner and handle the procurement of goods and services based on fair standards.
Mitsui Fudosan does not discriminate due to sex, age, birthplace, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, or any other grounds. The Company respects human rights and strives to maintain fair workplaces.
Mitsui Fudosan recognizes the importance of managing documents and information and strives to implement appropriate management based on its Information Management Rules, Document Rules, Information System Management Rules, and the like.
Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance Report(768KB)