In addition to respecting the fundamental human rights of its workers, the Group complies with the laws and regulations concerning workers' human rights in each country and region where it conducts business.
1. Policy Prohibiting Discrimination
We will eliminate all discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, religion, sex, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
2. Policy Prohibiting Harassment
We will not tolerate any form of harassment, including sexual harassment or abuse of power.
3. Policy to Prevent Child Labor or Forced Labor
We will not permit child labor or forced labor. In our group business, child labor or forced labor has not occurred. To ensure that child labor and forced labor will not occur in the future, we ensure that each business location complies thoroughly with the laws and regulations of its host country and conduct regular monitoring. In case that such a violation is suspected, we have also established an internal consultation service that employees can report to.
4. Policy to Support Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
We respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
5. Policy Supporting Rights to a Minimum Wage and Living Expenses
The Group conducts labor management while abiding by the labor laws and regulations of each country. In terms of wages, we have adopted a basic policy of not only following rules on minimum wages in each country, but also paying wages that exceed those requirements.
6. Principles and Procedures for Community Investment
The Group carries out business activities that do not infringe on human rights, either inside or outside Japan, by ensuring respect for the human rights of all stakeholders, including local residents and children. Through neighborhood creation, we are striving to form communities and create opportunities for interaction between diverse human resources, ultimately leading to new markets and employment. In this way, we offer various forms of value to the communities where we conduct business. By participating in and providing funding to area management organizations, we have been working to improve the value of real estate by engaging with local communities and investing in them.
We also fully support and respect the fundamental rights of workers as per the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The ILO Declaration describes the following fundamental principles and rights at work:
- Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
- Elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor
- Effective abolition of child labor
- Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
Further, we pursue methods to ensure that fundamental human rights are respected in countries and regions where internationally recognized fundamental human rights are not provided. We have also translated our basic labor management policies into English and distributed them to employees and local staff working at our overseas sites.
The Group has established the Mitsui Fudosan Group Human Rights Policy as detailed below and has been promoting human rights-related initiatives. In addition to this policy being publicly disclosed in our ESG Report, it can also be found via our internal portal. As well as raising awareness of the policy within the Group through training and other measures, we have established our Sustainable Procurement Standards based on this policy. We are also promoting human rights due diligence for the supply chain in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Our Efforts Relating to Equality of Opportunity to Work and to Harassment
The Company has established a Code of Employee Conduct with regard to human rights, and we fulfill our social responsibility regarding human rights problems actively and voluntarily. As an organization for promoting correct understanding and recognition of human rights problems among all employees, we have established the fair Employment Screening,Human Rights Awareness Raising and Diversity Promotion Committee. The primary role of the committee is education and guidance, formulating and implementing training plans, investigative research, and supervision, communication, and coordination of issues relating to human rights problems.
Specifically, we are implementing educational activities continuously for all workers and those in management position to promote awareness of sexual harassment, abuse of power, other types of harassment, and discrimination. For new managers, we are carrying out management training, and deepening the understanding of harassment they need as managers. We have also established harassment consultation services inside and outside the company that are available by telephone 24 hours a day. Moreover, each Group company organizes a fair Employment Screening,Human Rights Awareness Raising and Diversity Promotion Liaison Conference to raise awareness of human rights issues across the Group, and we are actively hiring people with disabilities, local people overseas, and non- Japanese in Japan. In addition, we are continuously working to improve understanding and awareness regarding human rights through initiatives such as holding human rights awareness training for all Company employees.
Our Efforts for Labor Issues
Support for a Living Wage
We conduct labor management while abiding by the labor laws and regulations of each country. In terms of wages, we have adopted a basic policy of not only following rules on minimum wages in each country, but also paying wages that exceed those requirements.
System Enabling Dialogue between Labor and Management
The Company works to ensure unity between labor and management by maintaining a framework for dialogue between employee representatives and Company management in which they meet several times a year to discuss the appropriateness of work environments and work conditions. We also exchange views and coordinate based on the shared understanding that employee health and safety is an important issue.
Preventing Child Labor and Forced Labor
The Group has never used child or forced labor. Also, to guarantee that none is used in the future, we ensure that each business location thoroughly complies with the laws and regulations of its host country, and conduct regular monitoring. In the unlikely event that such a violation is suspected to have occurred, we have also established a whistle-blower contact point that employees can report to.
Reducing Excessive Working Hours and Overtime
The Company has formulated a clear policy to reduce excessive working hours and overtime, and in line with the policy is working on the following initiatives. We also ensure thorough compliance with local laws and regulations concerning working hours and overtime.
In order to reduce excessive working hours, we have signed an Article 36 Agreement following discussions between labor and management. Industrial physicians conduct interviews and provide guidance for workers who exceed overtime standards. In these and other ways, labor and management are working as one to deal with the elimination of excessive working hours.
- Monitoring working hours and conducting interviews with employees
- Notifying both employees and their direct supervisors when they are in danger of overwork
- Utilizing a computer-usage time control system