ESG Data

ESG Data


Number of Compliance Violations Handled by the Risk Management Special Committee
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of Compliance Violations 29 32 64 48 44
Tax Payments by Country/Region

Tax payments of the Group by country/region are as follows:

Amount (million yen)
Country/region FY2022
Japan 108,493
Hong Kong 3,318
UK 375
Taiwan 368
China 87
Luxembourg 35
Canada -47
US -1,485
Total 111,144
Note: The above amount is based on the Country-by-Country Report submitted to the Japanese tax authorities and is not directly related to our consolidated financial statements.

Corruption Prevention

Corruption-related Fines, Surcharges, and Arbitrations
(Unit: Yen)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Corruption-related Fines, Surcharges,
and Arbitrations
0 0 0 0 0

Corporate Governance

Number of Directors and Auditors
Number of Directors and Auditors (as of June 30, 2024)
Directors 13
Independent outside directors 5
Female directors 2
Auditors 5
Independent outside auditors 3
Female auditors 2
Reason for Selection as Outside Directors and Corporate Auditors
Name Reason for Appointment FY2022 Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings and Board of Corporate Auditors Meetings
Managing Director
Tsunehiro Nakayama
Tsunehiro Nakayama has amassed a wealth of experience and broad insight having served for many years in top management positions. During meetings of the Board of Directors, he has provided many recommendations and findings regarding finance, risk management and other matters from an objective and specialist viewpoint. He has contributed greatly to invigorating discussions of the Board of Directors and improving its effectiveness. In addition, as a member of the Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee, he has participated in discussions from an objective standpoint, contributing to ensuring transparency in the selection process for managing directors and corporate auditors and in the decision process for compensation of managing directors.
As the Company’s outside director, he has played an appropriate role aimed at reinforcing the supervision functions of the Board of Directors and ensuring transparency. He is expected to make further contributions going forward, and because there is no possibility of conflicts of interest with general shareholders, he has been appointed as an outside director and independent officer.
Managing Director
Shinichiro Ito
Shinichiro Ito has amassed a wealth of experience and broad insight having served for many years in top management positions. During meetings of the Board of Directors, he has provided recommendations and findings regarding branding, global business development, and other matters from an objective and specialist viewpoint. He has contributed greatly to invigorating the discussions by the Board of Directors and improving its effectiveness. In addition, as a member of the Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee, he has participated in discussions from an objective standpoint, contributing to ensuring transparency in the selection process for managing directors and corporate auditors and in the decision process for compensation of managing directors.
As the Company’s outside director, he has played an appropriate role aimed at reinforcing the supervision functions of the Board of Directors and ensuring transparency. He is expected to make further contributions going forward, and because there is no possibility of conflicts of interest with general shareholders, he has been appointed as an outside director and independent officer.
Managing Director
Eriko Kawai
Eriko Kawai has served for many years overseas where she amassed a wealth of experience and broad insight as a management consultant while working for international organizations and universities. During meetings of the Board of Directors, she has provided recommendations and findings regarding the promotion of women’s activities, ESGs, sustainability, and other matters from an objective and professional viewpoint. She has contributed greatly to invigorating discussions by the Board of Directors and improving its effectiveness. In addition, as a member of the Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee, she has participated in discussions from an objective standpoint, contributing to ensuring transparency in the selection process for managing directors and corporate auditors and in the decision process for compensation of managing directors.
As the Company’s outside director, she has played an appropriate role aimed at reinforcing the supervision functions of the Board of Directors and ensuring transparency. She is expected to make further contributions going forward, and because there is no possibility of conflicts of interest with general shareholders, she has been appointed as an outside director and independent officer.
Managing Director
Mami Indo
Mami Indo has amassed a wealth of experience and broad insight, having served as an analyst/consultant in a securities company and a think tank and as a commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission. During meetings of the Board of Directors, she has provided recommendations and findings regarding the promotion of finance sector and risk management, and other matters from an objective and professional viewpoint. She has contributed greatly to invigorating discussions by the Board of Directors and improving its effectiveness. In addition, as a member of the Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee, she has participated in discussions from an objective standpoint, contributing to ensuring transparency in the selection process for managing directors and corporate auditors and in the decision process for compensation of managing directors.
As the Company’s outside director, she has played an appropriate role aimed at reinforcing the supervision functions of the Board of Directors and ensuring transparency. She is expected to make further contributions going forward, and because there is no possibility of conflicts of interest with general shareholders, she has been appointed as an outside director and independent officer.
Managing Director
Takashi Hibino
Takashi Hibino has been elected as an outside director based on his broad insight and diverse experience in the finance and capital markets and management in general, having served as president and chairman of a securities company. The expectation is that he will provide various opinions to the Company’s management aimed at reinforcing the supervisory function of the Board of Directors and ensuring transparency and because there is no risk of a conflict of interest with general shareholders. He will also serve on the Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee to increase transparency in the selection process for managing directors and corporate auditors and in the decision process for compensation of managing directors. -
Corporate Auditor
Minoru Nakazato
Minoru Nakazato is currently fulfilling appropriate roles as an outside auditor, sufficiently realizing his function of monitoring the execution of duties by the managing directors. Going forward, Minoru Nakazato is expected to make further contributions, and because there is no possibility of conflicts of interest with general shareholders, he has been appointed an outside auditor and independent officer. Board of Director Meetings:10/10
Board of Corporate Auditors Meetings:10/10
Corporate Auditor
Mayo Mita
Mayo Mita is currently fulfilling appropriate roles as an outside auditor, sufficiently realizing her function of monitoring the execution of duties by the managing directors. Going forward, Mayo Mita is expected to make further contributions, and because there is no possibility of conflicts of interest with general shareholders, she has been appointed an outside auditor and independent officer. Board of Director Meetings:9/10
Board of Corporate Auditors Meetings:8/10
Corporate Auditor
Michiko Chiba
Michiko Chiba has professional insight on finance and corporate accounting as a certified public accountant, also she has extensive auditing experience at an auditing corporation. She has been elected as an outside corporate auditor because she is expected appropriately audit the performance of the managing directors’ duties based on her insight and experience and there is no risk of a conflict of interest with general shareholders. -
Compensation by Title, Amount of Compensation by Type and Number of Applicable Executives (FY2023)
Title Total Compensation
(Millions of Yen)
Amount of Compensation by Type
(Millions of Yen)
Number of Applicable Executives
Basic Compensation Bonus Restricted stock compensation
Internal directors 1,593 645 596 351 12
Internal corporate auditors 106 106 - - 3
Outside directors and corporate auditors 148 148 - - 10
Notes: The number of people and the amount of compensation above include five managing directors who retired at the conclusion of the 111th Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 29, 2023.
Compensation of Executives Exceeding ¥100 Million (FY2023)
Name Title Amount of Compensation by Type
(Millions of Yen)
Total Compensation
(Millions of Yen)
Basic Compensation Bonus Restricted stock compensation
Masanobu Komoda Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (Representative) 138 141 104 384
Takashi Ueda President and Chief Executive Officer (Representative) 138 172 95 405
Takashi Yamamoto Managing Director (Representative) 68 67 30 178
Managing Director of Mitsui Fudosan Residential Co., Ltd. 11 - -
Takayuki Miki Managing Director 63 51 25 139
Yoshihiro Hirokawa Managing Director 47 51 19 118
Notes: Executive Officer Category is for fiscal year 2023.