ESG Data

ESG Data

Human Resources Management

Employee Engagement
Numerical target FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Employee engagement*1 80% - - 92%
Note: Mitsui Fudosan
*1 The proportion who responded to the statement “I am proud to work for this company” with a 4 or 5 out of a five-point scale of agreement

Labor Standards and Practices

Group Employment Situation
(Number of Employees by Business Segment)
Business segment FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of
Percentage Number of
Percentage Number of
Percentage Number of
Rental 1,188 5.7% 1,418 5.9% 1,556 6.4% 1,624 6.6%
Built-for-sale 1,296 6.2% 1,344 5.6% 1,394 5.7% 1,419 5.7%
Management 11,328 54.3% 11,689 48.7% 11,920 48.8% 12,007 48.6%
Other 6,654 31.9% 9,108 38.0% 9,033 37.0% 9,128 37.0%
Administration* 398 1.9% 433 1.8% 505 2.1% 528 2.1%
Total 20,864 100.0% 23,992 100.0% 24,408 100.0% 24,706 100.0%
*Employees belonging to administration departments who cannot be classified under a specific segment
Employee Composition (As of April 1 of each fiscal year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male Regular employees 734 793 838 873 918
Irregular employees 215 246 253 242 231
Subtotal 949 1,039 1,091 1,115 1,149
Female Regular employees 294 342 384 432 475
Irregular employees 334 347 362 380 390
Subtotal 628 689 746 812 865
Total 1,577 1,728 1,837 1,927 2,014
Note: Mitsui Fudosan (excluding seconded employees)
Employee Composition by Age (As of April 1 of each fiscal year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
10s Male 0 1 2 3 1
Female 0 0 2 2 3
20s Male 147 159 229 214 230
Female 156 169 202 227 242
30s Male 233 258 289 330 341
Female 272 280 299 324 331
40s Male 220 201 200 190 204
Female 136 146 142 147 167
50s Male 272 292 287 291 280
Female 61 68 89 95 101
60s Male 77 93 84 86 92
Female 2 11 12 15 20
70s Male 0 0 0 1 1
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Note: Mitsui Fudosan (excluding seconded employees)
Trends in Number and Percentage of Male and Female Regular Employees (As of April 1 of each fiscal year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
No. of Employees % No. of Employees % No. of Employees % No. of Employees % No. of Employees %
General positions Male 1,067 89.9% 1,094 87.5% 1,098 85.7% 1,094 83.5% 1,096 82.0%
Female 120 10.1% 156 12.5% 183 14.3% 216 16.5% 240 18.0%
Subtotal 1,187 100.0% 1,250 100.0% 1,281 100.0% 1,310 100.0% 1,336 100.0%
Technical positions Male 36 90.0% 54 91.5% 68 91.9% 82 93.2% 99 93.4%
Female 4 10.0% 5 8.5% 6 8.1% 6 6.8% 7 6.6%
Subtotal 40 100.0% 59 100.0% 74 100.0% 88 100.0% 106 100.0%
Operational positions Male 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Female 194 100.0% 203 100.0% 212 100.0% 222 100.0% 240 100.0%
Subtotal 194 100.0% 203 100.0% 212 100.0% 222 100.0% 240 100.0%
Note: Mitsui Fudosan
Average Annual Salary Paid by the Company
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Company average salary
(Million yen)
12.73 12.74 12.74 12.69
Note: Mitsui Fudosan
FY2022 Mitsui Fudosan Group Diversity Indicators
Reporting companies and
consolidated subsidiaries
Ratio of female workers in management positions
(April 2023)
(Note 1)
Rate of male employees taking childcare leave
(Notes 2 and 3)
Male and female employee pay gap (Note 4)
All employees Of which, permanent, full-time employees Of which part-time or seasonal employees
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. 7.7% 122.9% 48.6% 60.1% 49.9%
Accommodation First Co., Ltd. 46.7% - 70.4% 81.3% 45.8%
Ise-Shima Resort Management Co., Ltd. 16.0% 0.0% 78.6% 65.0% 78.0%
Sunlife Creation Co., Ltd. 62.5% - 37.9% 88.8% 45.9%
MF Living Support
Co., Ltd.
0.0% - 81.8% 102.3% 115.6%
Daiichi Engei Co., Ltd. 24.5% 100.0% 65.3% 77.1% 64.6%
Tokyo Dome Corporation 11.7% 84.6% 44.7% 55.5% 94.4%
Tokyo Dome Sports
Co., Ltd.
45.5% 14.3% 81.0% 93.4% 101.6%
Tokyo Dome Facilities Co., Ltd. 10.0% 100.0% 89.4% 88.7% 79.0%
Tokyo Dome Hotel Corporation 0.0% 0.0% 50.4% 66.1% 69.0%
Tokyo Dome Resort Operations Corp. 0.0% 50.0% 66.0% 67.2% 83.1%
First Facilities Chiba Co., Ltd. 13.3% - 39.0% 79.8% 55.2%
Mitsui Designtec
Co., Ltd.
11.5% 55.0% 62.6% 63.7% 55.6%
Mitsui Fudosan Retail Management Co., Ltd. 17.6% 280.0% 58.6% 72.9% 33.0%
Mitsui Fudosan Building Management
Co., Ltd.
4.6% 64.7% 47.9% 67.4% 41.8%
Mitsui Fudosan Facilities
Co., Ltd.
2.0% 41.2% 53.9% 70.1% 72.3%
Mitsui Fudosan Facilities West Co., Ltd. 0.0% 50.0% 40.3% 67.5% 66.2%
Mitsui Fudosan Hotel Management Co., Ltd. 17.7% 50.0% 68.8% 76.7% 73.9%
Mitsui Fudosan Realty Co., Ltd. 2.3% 9.0% 52.1% 55.1% 23.2%
Mitsui Fudosan Realty Sapporo Co., Ltd. 0.0% 0.0% 55.1% 55.0% 55.3%
Mitsui Fudosan Realty Chugoku Co., Ltd. 4.0% 33.3% 54.3% 61.2% 8.9%
Mitsui Fudosan Resort Management
Co., Ltd.
37.3% 38.5% 74.0% 73.0% 90.0%
Mitsui Fudosan Residential
Co., Ltd.
3.6% 110.0% 59.5% 59.2% 65.0%
Mitsui Fudosan Residential Service Co., Ltd. 1.5% 57.9% 75.0% 77.5% 80.8%
Mitsui Fudosan Residential Service Kansai
Co., Ltd.
9.3% 100.0% 72.8% 81.5% 100.8%
Mitsui Fudosan Residential Service Chugoku
Co., Ltd.
0.0% - 91.9% 66.3% 98.2%
Mitsui Fudosan Residential Lease Co., Ltd. 3.6% 60.9% 54.4% 56.0% 75.2%
Mitsui Home Co., Ltd. 2.9% 56.1% 44.7% 56.2% 35.7%
Mitsui Home Estate Co., Ltd. 4.8% 33.3% 63.1% 64.1% 73.1%
Mitsui Home Components Co., Ltd. 1.0% (Note 5) - 60.4% 58.1% 45.5%
Mitsui Home Hokushinetsu Co., Ltd. 3.6% 100.0% 48.1% 62.6% 23.2%
LaLaport Agency Co., Ltd. 16.7% 250.0% 49.3% 74.3% 112.8%
1. Calculated based on the regulations in the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64, 2015).
2. Calculated based on the number of male employees whose partner gave birth in the relevant fiscal year, and the number of male employees who used the leave system to take time off work during that fiscal year at the time of their child's birth, as childcare leave, or other time off for the purpose of spending time with their child.
3. Where there are male employees who take childcare leave, etc. in a different fiscal year from that of their child's birth, this rate may exceed 100%.
4. Pay is determined irrespective of gender, and is the same for the same role or qualifications. We have an equal salary system in place, but a pay gap has arisen due to the difference in personnel in terms of roles and employment types between male and female employees.
5. On April 1, 2023, due to a merger whereby Mitsui Home Co., Ltd. continued and Mitsui Home Components Co., Ltd. was disbanded, these figures are for March 31, 2023.
Trends in New and Departing of Regular Employees
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of new employees 51 63 62 59
Number of midcareer hires 35 49 49 59
Number of departing regular employees (Voluntary) 8 8 13 11
Full time staff voluntary turnover ratas 0.53% 0.51% 0.81% 0.66%
Note: Mitsui Fudosan

Diversity & Inclusion

Quantitative Goals and Achievement Status
Quantitative goals FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Mitsui Fudosan (unconsolidated) Women in management positions ratio *1 10% by FY2025 4.5% 5.7% 6.8% 7.7%
20% by FY2030
Ratio of female hires 40% - - 40.5% 44.1%
Return rate from
childcare leave
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Number of
paid leave days taken
14 days a year 14.9 13.8 15.0 16.2
Mitsui Fudosan Group *2 Women in management positions ratio *1 - - - 5.3% 6.7%
Ratio of women
(regular employees)
- - - 36.5% 37.4%
*1 The women in management positions ratio is for April 1 of the following year
*2 Group companies included in data calculations are: Mitsui Fudosan, Mitsui Fudosan Residential, Mitsui Fudosan Residential Service, Mitsui Fudosan Residential Lease, Mitsui Fudosan Realty, Mitsui Home, Mitsui Designtec, Mitsui Fudosan Facilities, Mitsui Fudosan Building Management, Mitsui Fudosan Retail Management, Mitsui Fudosan Hotel Management, Tokyo Midtown Management, Tokyo Dome, and Sunlife Creation
Female Participation Model Companies in the Mitsui Fudosan Group

Sunlife Creation Co., Ltd.

KPI Result
Evaluation indicator Period Numerical target FY2022
Women in management positions ratio *1 - - 62.5%
Ratio of female hires - - 91.7%
Return rate from childcare leave Annual 100% 100%
Paid leave uptake rate Annual Uptake of 70% 79.1%

Mitsui Fudosan Retail Management Co., Ltd.

KPI Result
Evaluation indicator Period Numerical target FY2022
Women in management positions ratio *1 FY2025
Ratio of female hires - - 46.5%
Return rate from childcare leave Annual 100% 100%
Paid leave uptake rate Annual Uptake of 80% 83.5%

Mitsui Fudosan Hotel Management Co., Ltd.

KPI Result
Evaluation indicator Period Numerical target FY2022
Women in management positions ratio *1 FY2025
Ratio of female hires - - 81.6%
Return rate from childcare leave Annual 100% 92.3%
Paid leave uptake rate Annual Uptake of 70% 77.0%

*1 Figures for April 1, 2023

Number of Employees Taking Childcare Leave, Etc.
(Unit: People)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Men 25 (61.0%) 28 (70.0%) 38 (79.2%) 59 (122.9%)
Women 10 (100.0%) 13 (100.0%) 20 (95.2%) 22 (100.0%)
Note: Mitsui Fudosan (Unconsolidated). Calculated based on the number of male employees whose partner gave birth in the relevant fiscal year, and the number of male employees who used the leave system to take time off work during that fiscal year at the time of their child’s birth, as childcare leave, or other time off for the purpose of spending time with their child. Where there are male employees who take childcare leave, etc. in a different fiscal year from that of their child’s birth, this rate may exceed 100%.
Return Rate of Employees Taking Childcare Leave
Goal FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Regular employees 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Note: Mitsui Fudosan (Unconsolidated). Excludes those departing due to use of the return entry system (system for re-employment of those who have resigned due to transfer of a spouse)
Employees Taking Family Care Leave
(Unit: People)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Men 0 0 0 0
Women 0 0 0 1
Note: Mitsui Fudosan
Return Rate of Employees Taking Family Care Leave
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Return rate 0 0 0 0
Note: Mitsui Fudosan.
Percentage of Employees with Disabilities
Quantitative goals FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Mitsui Fudosan
(unconsolidated) *1
2.30% or more 2.04% 2.07% 2.14% 2.52% 2.74%
Group *2 2.30% - - 2.42% 2.76% -
*1 The legal employment rate rose from 2.2% to 2.3% in March 2021. Figures for each fiscal year are those for June 1 of the relevant fiscal year
*2 Group companies included in data calculations are: Mitsui Fudosan, Mitsui Fudosan Residential, Mitsui Fudosan Residential Service, Mitsui Fudosan Residential Lease, Mitsui Fudosan Realty, Mitsui Home, Mitsui Designtec, Mitsui Fudosan Facilities, Mitsui Fudosan Building Management, Mitsui Fudosan Retail Management, Mitsui Fudosan Hotel Management, Tokyo Midtown Management, Tokyo Dome, and Sunlife Creation

Human Resource Development and Improvement of Skills

Time Spent Developing Employee Abilities
Numerical target FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total time for capability development training (hours) - 29,772 31,425 36,378 49,900
Training time per employee (hours) *1 Previous year results 20.0 19.8 21.8 28.2
Training expenses per employee
(thousand yen) *2
Previous year results - - - 131.0
Note: Mitsui Fudosan
*1 Calculated by dividing the total number of training hours by the total number of permanent employees
*2 Calculated by dividing the total amount of training expenses by the total number of permanent employees

Environmental Education Activities

Type of Training Number of Participants
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Mitsui Fudosan
Co., Ltd.
SDGs training (e-learning online) 18 1,601 1,386 1,404
Sustainability foundational course training - 447 - -
Afforestation training for forests in Hokkaido (FY2020 online) 20 115 - 28
Mitsui Fudosan Facilities Co., Ltd. Environmental training in new employee training 186 20 84 184
Environmental training through e-learning 1,535 1,529 1,529 1,718
Eco Tours (Tour of waste treatment facility) 26 - - -
Environmental training through video streaming (4 times a year) - - - Approx. 500
Tokyo Midtown Management Co., Ltd. Bird watching event for employees and tenant staff 16 - 50 -
Mitsui Fudosan Residential Service
Co., Ltd.
Environmental training through e-learning - - 2,876 2,822
Mitsui Home Co., Ltd. SDGs e-learning - - - 4,910
Sustainability training - - - 2,382
Training on promoting domestically produced materials - - - 1,966
Cumulative Total of Employees Who Have Taken and Passed the Eco Test
Company name Positioning of Eco Test Total number of employees who have passed the test Pass ratio
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. Qualifications for recommendation 398 17.9% of all employees
Mitsui Fudosan Facilities
Co., Ltd.
Required 1,582 89.9% of full-time and fixed-term employees, excluding junior employees
Mitsui Fudosan Building Management Co., Ltd. Qualifications for recommendation 251 13.3% of all employees
Mitsui Fudosan Engineering
Co., Ltd.
Qualifications for recommendation 31 Approx. 27% of all employees, excluding dispatched employees
Mitsui Fudosan Residential Lease Co., Ltd. Qualifications for recommendation 94 11.3% of all employees
Tokyo Midtown Management
Co., Ltd.
Required 80 70.2% of all employees
Mitsui Fudosan Residential Service Co., Ltd. Qualifications for recommendation 52 1.7% of all employees
Mitsui Home Co., Ltd. Qualifications for recommendation 28 1.2% of all employees

Health and Safety

Health Checkup and Screening Rate
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Health Checkup and
Screening Rate
99.8% 99.5% 100% 100%
1. Mitsui Fudosan
2. The health checkup and screening rate is the percentage of all steady-basis employees undergoing health checkups or health screening.
The total of all steady-basis employees consists of regular and part-time steady-basis employees as of the end of the fiscal year, excluding those necessarily prevented from undergoing screening (due to international postings, childcare leave, health conditions, etc.).
No. of Employees Attending Seminars on Health and Safety Standards
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
No. of New employees 63 63 62 59
No. of Newly appointed
executive managers
22 27 30 33
Note: Mitsui Fudosan
Lost Time Incidents
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Absentee rate *1 0.42% 0.39% 0.26% 0.41%
Injury occurrence rate
(frequency rate) *2
0% 0% 0% 0%
Rate of lost time incident
(severity rate) *3
0% 0% 0% 0%
Notes: Mitsui Fudosan
*1 Absentee rate = Total absent days / (Number of employees x Annual working days)
*2 Injury occurrence rate (frequency rate) = Work-related fatalities and injuries / Total actual working hours x 1,000,000
*3 Rate of lost time incident (severity rate) = Total working days lost / Total actual working hours x 1,000
Number of Work-related Employee Fatalities
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Regular employees 0 0 0 0
Contract employees 0 0 0 0
Note: Mitsui Fudosan
Number of office buildings with OHSAS 18001 or
ISO 45001 certification
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of office buildings with
OHSAS 18001 or ISO 45001 certification
0 0 0 0
Note: Mitsui Fudosan

Human Rights

Number of Cases of Humans Rights Risk Handled by the Risk Management Special Committee
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of cases of
human rights risk
0 0 0 0


Record of Social Contribution Activities
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Expenditures on social contribution activities (million yen) *1 6,735 5,544 8,719 3,566
Percentage of
ordinary income (%) *2
2.61 3.28 3.88 1.34
*1 Mitsui Fudosan
*2 Denominator: Mitsui Fudosan Group ordinary income