The Group respects basic human rights and complies with the laws and regulations concerning worker's rights in each country where we conduct business. We also support and respect the basic rights for workers set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The Group complies with applicable laws and regulations in each country and region where we conduct business.
Policy Prohibiting Discrimination
We will eliminate all discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, religion, sex, age, disability, or sexual orientation. -
Policy Prohibiting Harassment
We will not tolerate any form of harassment, including sexual harassment or abuse of power. -
Policy to Prevent Child Labor or Forced Labor
We will not permit child labor or forced labor. The Group has never used child or forced labor. To ensure that none is used in the future, we ensure that each business location complies thoroughly with the laws and regulations of its host country and conduct regular monitoring. In the unlikely event that such a violation is suspected to have occurred, we have also established a whistle-blower contact point that employees can report to. -
Policy to Support Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
We respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. -
Policy Supporting Rights to a Minimum Wage and Living Wage
The Group conducts labor management while abiding by the labor laws and regulations of each country. In terms of wages, we have adopted a basic policy of not only following rules on minimum wages in each country, but also paying wages that exceed those requirements. -
Principles and Procedures for Community Investment
The Group carries out business activities that do not infringe on human rights, either inside or outside Japan, by ensuring respect for the human rights of all stakeholders, including local residents and children. Through neighborhood creation, we are striving to form communities and create opportunities for interaction between diverse human resources, ultimately leading to new markets and employment. In this way, we offer various forms of value to the communities where we conduct business. By participating in and funding area management organizations, we invest in local communities, and work to increase the value of real estate.
Furthermore, we pursue methods to ensure that basic human rights are respected in countries and regions that do not adhere to internationally-recognized basic human rights.
The Group has established the Mitsui Fudosan Group Human Rights Policy as detailed below, and is promoting human rights-related initiatives. The policy can also be found via our internal portal and as well as raising awareness within the Group through training and other measures, we have established our Sustainable Procurement Standards based on this policy. We are also promoting human rights due diligence for the supply chain in accordance with the UN's Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Mitsui Fudosan Group Human Rights Policy
Symbolized by our Group DNA, the meaning of "&" which represents the idea that "to generate new value through cooperation, coexistence and co-creation, we forge ahead, innovating", the Mitsui Fudosan Group strives a society where both humanity and the Earth can progress in harmony, we believe that it is of the utmost importance to ensure that our business always gives due consideration to human rights, so we have established the Mitsui Fudosan Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter this Policy).
This Policy is based on the Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights advocated by the United Nations.
1. Respect for international human rights standardsThe Mitsui Fudosan Group supports and respects international human rights norms including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights, and the core labor standards established by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which are: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor; the effective abolition of child labor; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
2. Position of this policyThis policy details initiatives based on the conviction that we must be thorough about ensuring that our business always gives due consideration to human rights in order to achieve our GROUP DNA, the meaning of "&", "to generate new value through cooperation, coexistence and co-creation, we forge ahead, innovating".
3. ScopeThis policy applies to all of the Mitsui Fudosan Group's officers and employees (all employees directly employed, including temporary employees, part-time workers, etc.). In addition, we ask our business partners to take human rights into consideration in their corporate activities based on this policy and the Mitsui Fudosan Group Sustainable Procurement Standards.
4. Education and trainingThe Mitsui Fudosan Group provides appropriate education and training to ensure that this policy is taken into account and effectively executed in all its business activities.
5. Human rights due diligenceThe Mitsui Fudosan Group assesses in advance any negative impacts on human rights that could affect the various people with a relationship to its business activities (stakeholders) and takes both preventive and improvement initiatives. In addition, we appraise the performance and effectiveness of these initiatives and disclose relevant information.
6. Corrections and remediesIf it becomes clear that the Mitsui Fudosan Group has had a negative impact on human rights due to its business activities, or that it has been complicit in such impact, it works to correct and remedy the situation using appropriate internal procedures. In addition, the Mitsui Fudosan Group maintains a system for reporting and consulting about any acts that have a negative impact on human rights.
7. Dialogue with stakeholdersThe Mitsui Fudosan Group continues to improve its human rights initiatives based on this policy, by engaging in dialogue with various stakeholders.
8. Salient issues related to human rights initiativesSalient issues related to human rights initiatives are listed in an appendix to this policy. As these salient issues may change in response to evolving business and social conditions, we revise them as needed.
Established December, 2020; Revised April, 2024
Takashi Ueda
President & Chief Executive Officer
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Salient issues related to human rights initiatives
We prohibit discrimination and unfair treatment on grounds not related to business performance, including race, nationality, origin, religion, beliefs, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, educational background, marital status, and employment type. We also do not allow any harassment in the workplace, such as sexual harassment or power harassment.
Ensuring a safe and healthy working environmentIn addition to complying with laws and regulations related to working hours and occupational health and safety, we create a working environment in which all employees can work enthusiastically without feeling health or safety concerns when working.
Consideration for safety, security, and health in urban developmentWe conduct thorough quality control to ensure that the safety and health of our clients and the other people who use our facilities and services are not impaired. We also consider the safety and health of the people near the areas where we conduct business.
Consideration of minorities and prohibition of unfair discrimination toward them in business activitiesIn our business activities, we provide facilities and services that take minorities (social minorities; e.g., people with disabilities or foreigners, etc.) into consideration. In addition, we prohibit unfair discrimination or the promotion of discrimination when providing facilities and services.
Sufficient communication with clients and other stakeholders in business activitiesIn conducting our business activities, we strive to ensure that information provision and communication are sufficient to gain the understanding of our clients and other stakeholders.