“2020 DX White Paper” Summarizing the Mitsui Fudosan Group’s Digital Transformation Policies, Promotion Structure and Case Studies Has Been Released
Promoting Real Estate Innovation and Achieving Business and Work Style Reforms
February 10, 2021
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
Tokyo, Japan, February 10, 2021 - Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., a leading global real estate company headquartered in Tokyo, announced today that it has recently released “2020 DX White Paper,” the first time it has publicly announced the Company’s progress on digital transformation (DX). Mitsui Fudosan proactively works to promote DX to “harness technology to innovate the real estate business,” which is part of VISION 2025, the Group’s long-term vision.
The impact of COVID-19 has brought about enormous changes in people’s work styes and lifestyles, and consequently, DX has developed rapidly. For example, workplaces are no longer limited to offices, but can be hotels or homes, and the boundaries between offices, homes and retail facilities are on the verge of disappearing. At a time when people’s lifestyles are changing, real estate services no longer simply provide places, but also address the growing importance of services based on people’s behavior, such as working, living, and having fun. Mitsui Fudosan is further promoting the advance of DX to make that a reality.
Releasing “2020 DX White Paper” will enable greater understanding among shareholders, investors, customers and business partners of our efforts to promote DX, and will share the appeal of our DX project in recruiting human resources.
2020 DX White Paper https://www.mitsuifudosan.co.jp/dx/dx_hakusyo.pdf
* “2020 DX White Paper” is published only in Japanese
■ Main Content of “2020 DX White Paper”
“2020 DX White Paper” summarizes cases of the Mitsui Fudosan Group’s DX promotion with a focus on the themes of business reform aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and resolve social issues, work style reform to raise productivity and employee satisfaction, and the promotion platform that needs to be established to realize these reforms.
0. President’s message for Mitsui Fudosan’s DX
1. DX VISION 2025 (Mitsui Fudosan’s DX policy)
2. Business reform domain cases
3. Work style reform domain cases
4. Promotion platform and framework to support DX
Mitsui Fudosan formulated VISION 2025, the Group’s long-term vision, in 2018 to respond to the diversifying needs of customers brought about by the acceleration of digital technology, in addition to social issues such as the declining population, low birthrate and aging population. The Mitsui Fudosan Group’s main focus themes for DX promotion have been summarized as DX VISION 2025 to realize one aspect of the vision, which is to “harness technology to innovate the real estate business.”
■Cases from Each Domain (partial extract from 2020 DX White Paper)
Business reform domain cases
- Offices: Supporting customers’ new workplace creation through satellite offices and services utilizing ICT
WORK STYLING, multi-site shared offices for corporate clients that have been rolling out since 2017, provides an outstanding teleworking environment for users with both excellent security and convenience by utilizing ICT. WORK STYLING SOLO satellite offices specializing in individual rooms started from December 2020. There are forecast to be 116* bases by the end of fiscal 2020.
Combining these services with conventional base-type offices will support the building and transformation of customers’ new workplaces and work styles.
(Related news release) https://www.mitsuifudosan.co.jp/corporate/news/2020/1203/
*Number of WORK STYLING bases as of February 10, 2021 - Neighborhood Creation x Healthcare: Starting provision of SMART LIFE PASS KASHIWA-NO-HA portal site to enrich lifestyles
SMART LIFE PASS KASHIWA-NO-HA is a portal site that any resident of Kashiwa-no-ha* can register with. Users gain access to each type of affiliated healthcare service. Moreover, based on the user’s intent, they can safely link their own personal data with other healthcare services, and make it possible to eliminate the complicated data entry and procedures when using the other services. Using this data create a virtuous cycle of promoting the development of new services and further improving convenience for residents.
* Those who live within a radius of 2 km of Kashiwanoha-campus Station
(Related news release) https://www.mitsuifudosan.co.jp/corporate/news/2020/1126_01/
Work style reform domain cases (partial extract from pages 13–15)
- New approval and accounting system
Mitsui Fudosan introduced a new approval and accounting core system in April 2019 after taking on a complete renewal from September 2016. The previously independent approval and accounting systems were integrated to realize processes that are paperless, mobile and fully cloud-based and eliminate the use of personal seals. As a result of rigorous standardization and BPR, operations related to orders and accounting have been reduced by 35%.
(Related news release) https://www.mitsuifudosan.co.jp/corporate/news/2019/0711/
Promotional platform and framework to support DX (partial extract from pages 16–21)
- Mid-career recruitment of IT human resources and strengthening the organization to establish the DX Division
Mitsui Fudosan strengthened its organization by upgrading its IT Innovation Department into the two-department DX Division in April 2020 to further promote and augment DX. The Company is proactively moving forward on hiring mid-career human resources both in IT with various backgrounds, including data scientists, AI/IoT engineers and security specialist human resources, and promotes DX along with human resources with experience in different businesses. - DX promotion organization (innovation hub)
To accelerate DX throughout all the Group’s businesses, Mitsui Fudosan has five divisions to utilize their respective strengths and to promote co-creation among each business division, Group companies and outside business partner companies. In addition to the DX Division, the other divisions and their objectives are the Venture Co-creation Department, for collaborating with startups, the Life Science Innovation Department for creating ecosystems in the life science domain, the Business Innovation Planning Department for generating new businesses in the real estate tech domain, and the Industry-Academia Collaboration Department for working with academia.
■Mitsui Fudosan Group’s Contribution to SDGs
The Mitsui Fudosan Group aims for a society that enriches both people and the planet under the principles of coexist in harmony with society, link diverse values and achieve a sustainable society, and advances business with an awareness of the environment (E), society (S) and governance (G), thus promoting ESG management. By further accelerating its ESG management, the Group will realize Society 5.0, which the Japanese government has been advocating, and contribute significantly to achieving the SDGs.
* The initiatives covered in this press release are contributing to three of the UN’s SDGs.
Goal 8 | Decent Work and Economic Growth |
Goal 9 | Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure |
Goal 11 | Sustainable Cities and Communities |